Welcome to New Harmony
History of New Harmony
Architecture of New Harmony
Spiritual Centers of New Harmony
Antiques, Shopping, and Dining in New Harmony
Events in New Harmony
Gardens of New Harmony
Lodging at the Old Rooming House
Getting Married in New Harmony
Links to sites about New Harmony
Spiritual Centers
New Harmony, IN
Labyrinth with Atheneum in background

Detail of altar at Roofless Church
Right: The Labyrinth with Atheneum behind. Above: A detail from the sculpture at the central altar at the Roofless Church.

From its founding, New Harmony has beckoned generations of spiritual seekers. Its peaceful ambience and quiet grace are perfect for contemplation, meditation, and communion with the Divine. The Labyrinth of rose granite is identical in design to the one in Chartes Cathedral in France, and serves a similar purpose for those who walk its paths as a meditational tool. The Roofless Church is a quiet haven for all spiritual seekers. Many nature walks in the area are signposted with inspirational quotes from mystics of many traditions. Perhaps more than any one site, the feeling of New Harmony itself offers visitors spiritual solace. Come for a visit and leave at peace and refreshed.

Site © The Old Rooming House, New Harmony, IN
Contact Jim Stinson for more information | Phone (812) 781-9218
Photography by Kate Voss and Cairril Mills
Site designed by Cairril.com Design